Posts tagged ‘Jenna Lucado Revolve Tour 2011’

February 8, 2011

INTERVIEW WITH JENNA LUCADO Daughter Of Max Lucado Speaker With The Revolve Tour & Author Redefining Beautiful & You Were Made to Make a Difference

Redefining Beautiful
Michael Hyatt recently had the chance to sit down and talk to Jenna Lucado daughter of bestselling author Max Lucado and author of You Were Made to Make a Difference. Mike asked her about her new book and the 2011 Revolve Tour and leading the next generation.
Her answers might surprise you

Q: Your father recently released Outlive Your Life and you co-authored to the young adult version, You Were Made to Make a Difference. Why were you excited about working on this project?

I grew up in a home where my parents opened our eyes to the needs of people around the world. We supported causes and organizations that fight injustice. As a result, I’ve always had a desire to reach out to the poor and disadvantaged. When Dad decided to write this book, he asked me to bring a younger perspective to the issues of poverty. I was able to blend my heart for the poor with my heart for next generation leaders. It was a perfect fit.

Q: So what makes this book unique?

You Were Made to Make a Difference takes the ancient book of Acts and makes it applicable to those of us living in the year 2011. It offers practical tips that young people can take out into their community to make a real difference. The book is a rich mix of Christ’s words, the disciples’ actions, and real-life stories of young people today who are changing the world.

My desire is that readers will understand that God can use them to make a difference—right now. He wants to use them today, without waiting for them to be older, stronger, richer, or even more “together.” God can use their minds, their spirits, and their hands and feet to make significant change for His kingdom.

Q: It seems that this next generation of young leaders wants more out of life than simply the “American Dream.” They want to make a contribution. In fact, they want to change the world. Where do you think this passion comes from?

In working with Revolve for the past four years, I’ve learned that young girls want to live for something bigger than themselves. They live in a world where they see disasters and pain from their living room couches—and on their smart phones. They can’t escape it. These girls are not content to sit on their hands and watch. They want to be doing something to help.

Q: How can my generation of leaders—the older generation—support and encourage this younger generation in their quest to make a difference?

Becoming aware of the young people in your life, and acknowledging and affirming them, is the first step. Because my husband is a youth minister, I get to witness first-hand the selflessness of these young leaders who work with the youth at Oak Hills Church in San Antonio. Their heart and hard work needs to be recognized.

Second, I think it is important to develop relationships with these young leaders. When you choose to make time for them, they become energized. But they want to do something with this energy. In my experience, when you pour into them, they pour themselves into others—especially the poor and disadvantaged. This is an investment that keeps on giving.

Q: You are traveling with The Revolve Tour this winter. What do you enjoy most about working with teenage girls?

I used to be one, so I know what they’re going through! As an adult, I love hearing their stories and telling them that God hears them, too. One of my favorite moments in the conference is when these girls finally understand how relevant the Bible is—it is that moment when the Word of God becomes real to them.

The same kinds of faith-deepening, heart-maturing, and confidence-boosting moments that changed my life in high school continue to change the lives of high school girls today. While fashion and trends change, the basic needs are the same. These young leaders want to be part of a larger story.

One of the great things about Revolve is that it’s girls only time. When boys are out of the room, the distractions are cut in half. So when they hear messages about their value and see dramatic sketches about topics they’re struggling with, they can open up, be themselves, and connect on an emotional level. I love seeing the spiritual transformation that takes place.

Q: Thanks for all you do, Jenna. YOU are making a difference, and I am grateful.

Now through February 28, 2011, you can get $10 off the full Revolve event registration price (which matches the per-person rate for a group of 10 or more.) If you’d like to invite the young women in your life to be a part of an upcoming Revolve event, visit our registration page or call 877-9-REVOLVE and use code DREAM when you place your order. This offer is good for up to nine seats and can’t be combined with any other offer or applied to previous purchases.